Brains Brewery
Cardiff, Wales
Gas fired steam boiler system with instantaneous response to varying steam load.
2 x 1800 kg/hr CERTUSS quick-start steam generators.
Space-saving installation in a plug an play container solution. Quick and efficient solution – without having to build a boiler house.
Brains Brewery
Brains was founded in 1882 when Samuel Arthur Brain bought the Old Brewery on St Mary Street Cardiff along with his uncle Joseph Benjamin Brain. The company remains entirely in family ownership to this day. Ten family members have served as chairman over the years.
The founders would be proud to see how Brains has become Wales’ leading brewer. The family is fully committed to remaining an independent family-owned company for many years to come.
When Brains, Dragon Brewery, Cardiff opened in 2019 it was supplied with a CERTUSS Container Module including 2 x 1800 kg/hr TC Gas Fired Steam Generators.
Head Brewer Bill Dobson about working with CERTUSS
"The predominant source of heat we use is steam ... We're heating water, we're heating the product directly and we're also using heat to clean and sterilise containers before we fill them."
"So having a source of heat to generate steam effectively in the brewery is vitally important and obviously the more efficiently we can do that, the better."
"And I think one of the key things: we were fitting out an existing industrial unit that didn't have a large plant room where we could site equipment."
"So one of the things that CERTUSS was able to offer us was a containerized solution, so we could just bring it to site."
"You know, plug and play, as they say, plug it in and off we went and everything to do with steam generation was in that container unit."