

Harlan Laboratories, Derbyshire


Steam required for research purposes on a 24 x 7 basis. Steam demand: 2 site areas each requiring peak 3000kg/h


Steam to serve humidification supply to test cells.


CERTUSS Steam Generator and Package Plant Module installed on a cascade system to ensure 24 x 7 coverage.

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In 1988 CERTUSS UK installed their first Generator, a 650 kg/hr Gas fired unit at Harlan Laboratories Ltd (who were at the time trading under the name of Safepharm Laboratories). Due to Harlan Laboratories Ltd continued expansion of business, CERTUSS UK have now supplied 10 no 650 kg/hr Generators to the site.

The generators are situated in 2 separate boiler houses. One boiler house sited on the eastside of the site has 4 x 650kg/hr Dual fuel fired Generators and 2 x 650 kg/hr Oil fired Generators and a boiler house on the west side of the site has 3 x 650 kg/hr Gas fired Generators and 1 x 650kg/hr Dual fuel fired Generator. All of the CERTUSS Generators operate on a fully Automatic facility with integration to the site BMS system.

CERTUSS UK carried out the full installation of both boiler houses in liaison with Harlan Laboratories engineers, ensuring full production requirements were maintained in all instances.
Although both boiler houses operate individually to various areas of the site supplying steam in general for humidification purposes, the steam and condensate services have been installed with a by-pass valve facility, allowing each boiler house the opportunity of supplying the full site individually.

CERTUSS UK currently have a history of working on the Harlan site in excess of 26 years and in particular with the same Manager of Engineering Services Mr Graham Statham.

"CERTUSS UK have provided Harlan Laboratories Ltd with efficient services and back up throughout the years that we have had CERTUSS Generators installed, including weekends and evenings, their Engineers have been second to none. I see it more of a partnership than a contract. Harlan Laboratories Ltd depends on steam 24/7 all year round"
– Mr Graham Statham Manager of Engineering Services, Harlan Laboratories Ltd (Retired).