Airedale General Hospital
Steeton, Keighley BD20 6TD
A modern solution that continuously and reliably provides high-quality steam for sterile processing integrated into the existing infrastructure.
CERTUSS supplied Airedale Hospital with 3 x 500kg/hr TC Gas Fired Steam Generators
Airedale Hospital
Airedale General Hospital is an NHS district General Hospital based in Steeton with Eastburn, West Yorkshire, England and is operated by the Airedale NHS Foundation Trust.
Airedale was opened for patients in July 1970 and officially opened by the Prince of Wales on 11 December of the same year.
CERTUSS supplied 3 x 500kg/hr TC Gas Fired Steam Generators to ensure the hospital could run without interruption and the plant needed less monitoring.
Senior Estates Engineer "Matthew Baxter" about CERTUSS Steam Generators
"The new install has been very reliable since it was installed... They just run all the time. We forget that they're there a lot of the time."
"About 10 years ago... they replaced the boilers with low temperature, hot water, heating boilers and it fitted a CHP in which can just about power the hospital on its own."
"The boiler supply plant offers steam to our sterile services department, which is then used through steam to steam generators to heat up what we call clean steam where it uses our raw water which is then used in the processing that's done in clean rooms."
"I believe there's a lot less maintenance involved with them and they're fully automatically run themselves... the insurance inspector just has to see the coil pressurised and test the saveties and the gauges and that's it really."