Continuous steam required 24 x7 for an Abattoir facility. Steam demand: 5000kg/h
Steam as a heat carrier for heating water and wash down.
CERTUSS steam generators and Package Plant Module required, to offer full 24 x 7 steam supply operating on a cascade system.
To arrange any appointments please...
In June 2013 CERTUSS UK Ltd were invited to tender for a project by specialist Mechanical installer C&I Mechanical Services Ltd. Tender details were to supply and commission Steam Generators and Package Plant Module that would serve a food processing plant for Tulip Foods Bristol.
The equipment required should be capable of meeting the required peak load demand of 5000kg/hr, a fuel supply for LPG burners, with spare Light Oil burners (for exchange during fuel price rises) were requested. Steam production would be required 24 hours a day, 5 days a week. After evaluation of the requirements, CERTUSS UK offered a tender.
The equipment
- 4 x 2000kg/hr LPG Fired CERTUSS TC Steam Generators (Duty/stand-by)
- 1 x CERTUSS Package Plant Module (Tank sized for 3 x 2000 Generator)
- Automatic Operation
- 4 x Light Oil burners (loose supply)
- CERTUSS Interface facility
- Delivery to site
- Commissioning
With the CERTUSS Generator offering a fuel to steam efficiency of > 93% and an ability to raise full steam capacity in circa 3-5 minutes, along with reduced maintenance and inspection periods, C & I Mechanical Services Ltd decided that this was the best option for them to propose to their customer Tulip Foods.
In June 2013 CERTUSS received an order for the supply of the equipment with full commissioning of the plant taking place April 2014. With a CERTUSS internet connection supplied with the system Tulip Foods are able to monitor the equipment through their site BMS facility. To date CERTUSS still carry out annual servicing of the plant, with a full service contract in place.
This site is also available for any potential CERTUSS UK customers to visit and see our equipment in a working environment, where they can speak to an independent Engineer for an unbiased opinion.
Tulip is a leading food producer in the UK, supplying to retail and food service markets and providing the UK consumer with a huge variety of food products. Their product range includes fresh pork, bacon, sausages, gammon, cooked and canned meats as well as savoury snacks including scotch eggs and cocktail sausages. They have a number of brands within their product portfolio including Danepak, Tulip, Adams, The Fuller Flavoured Sausage Company, Spam and Stagg Chili and Plumrose.
With 17 sites across the UK and employing around 8,000 people, they pride themselves on creating high quality food from farms in both the UK and Denmark. They have a state-of-the-art sausage manufacturing site and 'centres of excellence' around the country. As a business they are committed to quality and care and exceed many recognised industry standards. It is therefore an honour for CERTUSS UK Ltd to be associated with yet another brand name leader.